Argentina Discovery offers excellent balance between price and quality. We arrange the complete infrastructure for your travel, accommodations, transportation, services and excursions, so you can make the most out of your time and your money.
Each one of the tours we offer has been thought to the detail, based on our knowledge and experience as Tour Operator of alternative travels for more than ten years, in order to fully harness your time and joy.
Cool accommodations
The accommodations we offer in our tours are not only of good quality but also of different styles, so you can choose between different kinds and categories.
You have options ranging from hostels with shared rooms to 5 stars hotels according to your desire.
In our group trips you can opt for lodging in hostels with shared rooms and services, or for private single or double rooms.
In some of our tours, there are nights in which not all of the lodging variants are available, in these cases the actual alternatives are stated in the trip’s details web page.
Lodging at Hotel
This consists of a single or double room with private bathroom, and can be requested in any category you please.
Lodging at Hostal
Sometimes refferred to as "Hostería" and also available in single or double room in a variety of categories, Hostals usually provide private bathrooms, restaurant and cafeteria among their services. While being less expensive than regular hotels, they normally offer a more personal service.

Shared rooms in Hostel
By choosing this kind of lodging, the traveler shares the room with other passengers, who could or could not be of his/her same gender. Usually these rooms have around 4 to 6 single beds.
These hostels have common showers and lockers with complete sanitary services that are to be shared among passengers.
Hostels provide sheets, but not personal towels, and have a common kitchen where passengers can prepare hot infusions or cook if they wish so.
The hostels we book for you fully comply with the requirements established by the Youth Hostel Association, assuring the adequate level of hygiene, services and comfort that every traveler expects and deserves.

Air Tickets
Our tours require that you take domestic flights within Argentina, you can choose to book those flights yourself or book them through our agency in case you wish we take care of it along with the rest of the aspects of your travel.
Group travel
Traveling in group allows you to experience your trip with people from different countries and cultures, who share your passion for voyages and the discovery of nature and unique places while also enjoying good company. On average, the size of our groups is 12 passengers with a top limit of 15 for most of them, and lower than that for the Expedition Tours.
Our individual tours (tours taken by you and your companion with no additional travelers joining) have bilingual guides assigned in every scheduled excursion (English-Spanish).
Our published regular departure dates are intended for travelers who speak English or Spanish.
Some specific departures are organized with Tour Leaders speaking German, Italian or French as well as Spanish, so feel free to send us your inquiry about departures planned in these languages.
All of our Tour Leaders speak English and Spanish.
Adventure services
Full camping
This is a campsite already set up with large igloo-style tents to be taken in single or double base, inside each one of them each passenger has an insulating mat, a high mountain sleeping bag, and a sheet for personal bedclothes. There is also a tent for meals equipped with table, seats and tableware.
Details about the camp meals
The itineraries of the trips published in our web site include the detail of the meals provided each day.
The meals provided at “Full Camping” are plentiful, and constitutes a menu that not only contemplates the preferences of the travelers but also covers their energy needs and is based on fresh foods.
Breakfast: several hot infusions and beverages available, such as coffee, tea, milk, yerba and mate cocido (two local traditional infusions), with cookies, candies, fruits and cereals.
Lunch: depending on the activities for the day it consists of a main meal and dessert or a lunch box that will be enjoyed at a viewpoint. Lunch boxes include juice, a strong salad or a plentiful sandwich, plus a fruit and a chocolate.
Dinner: consisting on appetizer (salads or hot soups), main course (pasta, meats, stew, etc.), and desserts (pears with chocolate, fruits, etc)
Our Guides are equipped with a first aid kit in every outdoor activity, excursion, etc. They also carry VHF communication devices to use in case of emergency.
Our services do not include medical assistance nor insurance.