Travels > Cruises & Antartica > Cruce Andino Cruce AndinoBariloche - Puerto Montt - 1 day or 2 days.
This story begins back in 1913, when a group of tourists led by Ricardo Roth, crosses the Andes through a border passage linking Peulla (on the Chilean side) with Bariloche (on the Argentine side). As a convenient alternative to join these two neighboring countries, by crossing ‘the southern cone’ Cruce Andino is born and becomes an ecology adventure you can not miss.
Notes Lodging: the service Puerto Montt/Puerto Varas to Bariloche and vice versa can be paused by the passenger at any stage in order to spend one or more nights at some destination, and then resuming the trip on the next day at the scheduled hours. These optional activities are not included in the service. Cruce Andino is a tourist circuit, stated times are for reference and can vary due to weather conditions and the amount of passengers.
Suggested clothing The best advice is to have very warm, waterproof, windbreaking clothes, also gloves, snow caps and shoes for the walks on the mountains, and glasses, lips protection and sun blockers.
Documentation / Personal papers. Keep your documents or personal papers always at hand since you will need them to cross the Argentine and Chilean borders during the tours.